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After the Great War ravished the mystical country of Astaidia, the four remaining loyal knights of the kingdom were left to tell the tale of the nearly fallen empire. These knights that had once faithfully served King Calos were known to have possessed great gifts, named the Blessing. As they took the fallen empire into their hands to rule, they were soon recognised as the Council, the Savior of Men. Although the knights were not the first to possess such great gifts, for having been pillars of the new Astaidia, the new civilisation began to rise under their jurisdiction. 


The four knights of the Council: Solana, Amarille, Alaion, and Devan who were once merely knights, then became recognised as Gods to next generations of humankind for their valiant efforts.


Solana, the first female knight of great prowess, possessed the ability to manipulate fire. She became known as the goddess of fire and earth. Amarille, born and raised a mage, became a knight through the blessing of the king. She who possessed the ability to bend and alter reality became known as the goddess of sorcery. Alaion, the strongest and bravest knight, possessed the ability of great strength. Whispers on the street crowned him as the god of battle and warfare. Devan, the wisest of all knights showcased a great mental dexterity, and thus, became known as the god of wisdom and art.


As 'Gods' of the age, the four knights’ responsibilities were passed down through the generations. A century after the Great War, the Astaidian Empire thrives as the next generation of the Council resumes their reign. As time takes its course, however, those who once possessed the Blessing began to dwindle. So much so, that only direct descendants of the Council are known to possess such capabilities. 


Those with the Blessing that do not bear the blood of the Council are seen as a threat to the current reign, and for having seen as such, they remain in hiding. Such belief was inspired by a descendant of Amarille, who currently holds a seat within the council as a proud descendant of the goddess of sorcery. In this descendant’s thirst for power, she forbade any other individual whose Blessing began to manifest to fully reach the extent of their gift, thus threatening the Council’s hold upon Astaidia. Unbeknownst to the other Council members, she formed an elite squad with the main purpose of serving her with undying loyalty, and gave orders to these elites to execute any other individual possessing the Blessing that would not prove useful for her own cause.


Having discovered the reason why they can no longer find other Blessed, a child of Solana created a hidden organization who will, instead of extinguishing, seek and nourish those who remain to possess the Blessing. With the help of the descendant of Devan, together they lead a secret organization, named the Sacred Sword. 

Astaidia, once a sacred land of unique gifts which saw the legendary knights as their salvation, is now a land of greed and corruption. A shell of what it once was. Though they had, for years, rejoiced in the light of the Blessing, they must never fail to forget the darkness lurking in amongst the shadows.

Who will prevail?



Goddess of Fire and Earth



Goddess of Sorcery



God of Battle and Warfare



God of Wisdom and Art

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